Thursday, February 3, 2011


Jeez..this weather is insane , i mean we done had some cold and freezing weather but this is just insane....i think the last time it got this cold would be in the mid 80's...anyone else remember that???...the way i can remember those days is cuz we got some old pictures in my moms photo album...when i was a kid, and man it was freezing...the pools were frozen almost 6 inches think...that was insane ....i remember taking some picture in the parking Lott also...the wind was howling ...blowing very hard...with freezing rain and snow...I also remember it raining a few years was also cold but i think as much as its freezing now....Houston has always had some crazy weather...but this is now its your turn what are some of your oldest memories of this Houston freezing weather?????

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