Monday, February 14, 2011


Well its her the day everyone either loves or dreds of the new year. Valentines Day, if its just me well then im gonna have everyone against me on fb, but well its whats on my mind so that doesnt make it right or wrong, just makes it interesting. I mean do you really have to be all emotional on this day. Even if this day brought pain and sorrow in the past or maybe it brought you happiness and love. Either way i guess its a good way to try and start the new year. After all the new years partying, and well first weekend partys of the year and all that, we come to this in my past experiences, well they havent been good or bad, and thats cuz i dont let them be bad, i always ttry and stay on the positive note cuz drama really makes me sick really though enjoy the day and apreciate all the people that you spend it with cuz they gonna apreciate you.....i would like to hear about a past Valentines Day .... a happy one or a not so happy one.....thanx!!!

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