Tuesday, February 15, 2011


when things are going in the oppisite way that you want them too, you kinda get used to it, in a bad way. It's when things start to change for the good. Thats when everything begins to get scary, you get things all at once and it feels like the bad turned into the worst, how are we supposed to look at the positive when all the good begins to overwelm you. Then you hear someone say "at least things arnt getting worse"..... thats when i laugh and say "if you had my kind of luck.... you wouldnt feel the same", I dont know how we make things look positive, i mean, i try to so hard, and things just dont let up. Then its like, one opportunity pops up then,  another, then another, is that supposed to be the bad luck turning into the good luck, cuz if it is ..... well its not cool,... makes it feel like when you'r under the shower and someone is in the other restroom and they flush it while you are rinsing off...and BAMM!!!...the cold water rushes down your back giving you that not so cool chill down your spine...its kinda like that for me....so  is it just me or does anyone else have luck like that....leave a story or a comment on how this might or might not relate to you!!!!!

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