Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I'm not one to look at the bright side, but tonight i just cant help but stare right into it.....with the thanks of my girlfriend and her family... i am starting to look at things in a whole new way...although its kinda new to me its something that i would love to get used to....i always looked at things in a funny way or tried to make a joke about it even though deep inside they hurt me, that was the only way for me to keep my head up.... well things change ...time goes on and things just don't get funnier this way....they become more painful....and now with the support of family members that i haven't seen in many years, i have found a way to not only look at the bright side, but to deal with things head on with my head up....my family has always been there for me .... even though i cant say the same...just knowing that they are there with all this support makes me wanna be a different person....so i wanna give thanks to all the people that have followed my blog and have been there with encouraging words or just felt like taking a look at what i wrote....and a big "THANK YOU" to Jeanie Lugo Moreno and Roberto Moreno...for all the support and help that they have given me...so if have someone that has been there for you like i now accept...tell me about it.....or just  let me know what you think...maybe you can relate to this.....

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