Wednesday, February 2, 2011


well this morning i had a job interview, and i have to say things went really well. Aside from the fact that i don't remember the last time i had an asked me some Q's and well i had all the answers that they wanted to hear....i am really happy that i had allot of support from my girlfriend, her mom, and other Friends on FB...(y'all know who you are)....its kinda of a weird feeling ...getting all this positive support from them. i have had some hard times when i was on my own...and having good people that show you they care, is really new to me and well it takes some getting used this week is a cool's a way for me to look at things in a positive way i mean things have to get better, i mean how the hell can they get any worse. well folks that's all i got right now but maybe I'll write something else a lil later so for now i dedicate this post to all the Friends and family that gave me good words of encouragement for  my i just hope i get the job for 2 reasons...and I'll leave it at!!!

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