Wednesday, April 27, 2011

One of those days!!!

The sun...,my not so good friend right now, we spent all damn day in the scorching sun today popping up tents. Well the day did go by fast but at the end of the day we all looked like we had been baked in the oven at a 400 degree temperature. I mean it was freaking hot. The sad thing about it is that the real heat isn't even here yet .All in all we had a good day at work aside from the heat. But on another note today was the third day of some class i gotta take in order to get my DL reinstated and that's a really good thing.Now maybe i will look for another job where i can drive all day in the Well i guess that's all for today I'm just trying to keep up on this like i had mentioned before and it seems to be working. Even though i get home really tired its like a relief that i get, when i start typing...well fellow followers keep up the good work, at and thanks for reading please comment...if you would like...Orale!!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Its been a minute!!!

Sup FB buddies...been a while huh...but its cool i mean i don't have allot of followers, so ill try and stay on top of this blog from now on ...but as y'all might have seen on some of the posts that i have made works been fun, rewarding, and been kicking my ass sometimes...well i got some folks from back in the day ...and i mean wayyy back...some of these people i haven't seen in almost 10-15 yrs...yea...been a HOT!!..minute but through out this new creation i and all of you all can keep in touch with people that we have shared some good times,bad times,....and some awesome times...its kinda weird how some people change and well i think that the people that don't change well...they always gonna be the same inside...cuz some of y'all turned out really successful...and well some of us didn't..but all in all...."we"..still the same ole "G's" from when we met... and well that's what we can chat and all that but many things get better with time...and well this is me way of saying how cool it is to see some good friends on a daily basis...even if they arnt there in front of me...i appreciate all of my friends here on FB...but mostely in the real world..cuz when we kik it ....its gonna be off the chain....i am gonna try and make it a mission to kik it with all my homies on FB in the real world and try to make some new memories with the adult version of them...cuz when i we last seen each other we didnt know if we would ever see one another after now that i have that chance you damn skippy ima take advantage....cuz we dont know when or where we will be in the next 10-15 yrs from to all my freinds from school and from any other place that we have met its an "honor" to have you as a FREIND...................Orale!!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I'm not one to look at the bright side, but tonight i just cant help but stare right into it.....with the thanks of my girlfriend and her family... i am starting to look at things in a whole new way...although its kinda new to me its something that i would love to get used to....i always looked at things in a funny way or tried to make a joke about it even though deep inside they hurt me, that was the only way for me to keep my head up.... well things change ...time goes on and things just don't get funnier this way....they become more painful....and now with the support of family members that i haven't seen in many years, i have found a way to not only look at the bright side, but to deal with things head on with my head family has always been there for me .... even though i cant say the same...just knowing that they are there with all this support makes me wanna be a different i wanna give thanks to all the people that have followed my blog and have been there with encouraging words or just felt like taking a look at what i wrote....and a big "THANK YOU" to Jeanie Lugo Moreno and Roberto Moreno...for all the support and help that they have given if have someone that has been there for you like i now accept...tell me about it.....or just  let me know what you think...maybe you can relate to this.....