Wednesday, April 27, 2011

One of those days!!!

The sun...,my not so good friend right now, we spent all damn day in the scorching sun today popping up tents. Well the day did go by fast but at the end of the day we all looked like we had been baked in the oven at a 400 degree temperature. I mean it was freaking hot. The sad thing about it is that the real heat isn't even here yet .All in all we had a good day at work aside from the heat. But on another note today was the third day of some class i gotta take in order to get my DL reinstated and that's a really good thing.Now maybe i will look for another job where i can drive all day in the Well i guess that's all for today I'm just trying to keep up on this like i had mentioned before and it seems to be working. Even though i get home really tired its like a relief that i get, when i start typing...well fellow followers keep up the good work, at and thanks for reading please comment...if you would like...Orale!!!

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